Build a high degree of political currency

Build a high degree of political currency

Government relations Strategy

We deliver a unique strategic approach for our industry association and not-for-profit clients.

As a specialist government relations firm, the purpose of our service is achieving growth and development through policy and regulatory reform, and building productive relationships.

We do not provide a third party lobbying service. Our government relations programs deliver a high degree of political currency that provides our clients with the knowledge, experience and confidence to deal directly with government and become effective advocates.

Our approach helps our clients become known and respected so their proposals and policy thinking are considered seriously as a valuable contribution to policy development and progressive regulation.

Our tried and proven methods accommodate the needs of the legislature and executive while considering the planning, budgetary, and procedural requirements of policy-makers and administrators.

Advocacy services

  • comprehensive policy reviews
  • stakeholder and issues analysis
  • engagement and advocacy strategies
  • issues monitoring and tactical response
  • media management and communication
  • stakeholder education and alliance
  • member communication and support
  • general public relations.

Engagement activities

A range of communication and engagement activities include:

  • ministerial and department briefings and issues papers
  • policy meetings and other forms of direct advocacy
  • media statements and backgrounders
  • high level articles in bulletins, newsletters and journals
  • budget, policy and inquiry submissions
  • industry code and standard representations
  • VIP events and engagements.

We are pleased to offer more information or to discuss how we may be of assistance — 61 3 9478 5224;

Government relations—policy, regulation and standards

With more than 25 years’ experience, the following lists some of the more recent and substantial projects.

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Australian Association of Massage Therapy (AAMT)

Consultation submissions

  • Submission and response to 2014 Consultation—A National Code of Conduct for health care workers conducted by the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council (AHMAC)
  • Attendance at Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council (AHMAC) Code of Conduct review 2014 forums
  • Submission to the 2012 Federal Review of the Private Health Insurance Rebate (PHIR) for Natural Therapies by the Chief Medical Officer (CMO)
  • 2013 AAMT PHIR forum presentation to Advisory Committee
  • ‘Let’s talk CAMS’—NHMRC public consultation on the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Resource for Clinicians— Submission to the Public Consultation on the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Resource for Clinicians


Therapeutic Goods Administration, Unregistered Practitioners Act 1989 Response to the TGA 2013 Consultation Regulation Impact Statement, regulating the advertising of therapeutic goods and services to the general public

Policy briefs

  • Pre 2019 Federal election pain management policy petitions to ALP, LNP, & Greens
  • Pre 2018 Vic & 2019 NSW election pain management policy petitions
  • Pre 2013 Federal election policy petitions advocating registration to the ALP, NLP, Greens
  • 2013 ‘One Voice’ project sector policy briefings to local Federal MPs2013 State and Federal Health Ministers’ ‘Risk in Massage’ briefing papers concerning therapists and clients
  • Pre 2013 Election State Health Minister briefings involving an expansion of risk exposure briefings and other industry challenges facing the massage sector
  • Post-election policy petitions to Federal Health Minister regarding industry registration—challenges and opportunities briefing

 Australian Natural Therapies Association (ANTA)

  • 2012 Federal review of the Private Health Insurance Rebate (PHIR) for Natural Therapies in regard to the clinical efficacy of natural and complementary medicines and health services

Australasian Corrosion Association (ACA)

  • A 2010 submission for the ACA Corrosion Challenge, concerning the impact of the failure of infrastructure assets and corrosion prevention arguing that it is fundamental to the long-term economic sustainability of Australia’s infrastructure assets and economy.

Insulation Council of Australia and New Zealand (ICANZ)

  • 2007 Federal Budget Submission—proposing a Home Energy Fund as a response to climate change
  • 2006 Round 1 and 2007 Round 2 submissions for the NSW Energy Savings Fund regarding the Ceiling Insulation Retrofit Rebate
  • 2005 submission to the Victorian Competition and Efficiency Commission (VCEC) regarding its draft report on building regulation, with a focus on the 5-Star energy efficient housing regulations
  • 2005 submission to the Victorian Government Inquiry into regulation of the Housing Construction Sector


Case Studies

ANTA Government Relations

GRS Communications assisted the Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA) with…...

Goulburn Murray Water

In a previous role, GRS Director created and implemented a…...

Australasian Corrosion Association (ACA)

Australasian Corrosion Association A 2010 submission for the ACA Corrosion…...

Australian Natural Therapies Association ANTA

Australian Natural Therapies Association GRS Communications assisted the Australian Natural…...

Australian Association of Massage Therapy (AAMT)

"The AAMT's return on investment from our relationship with GRS…...

Australian Oilseeds Federation

Working closely with the Executive Director of the Australian Oilseeds…...

Insulation Council of Australia and New Zealand (ICANZ)

"GRS was invaluable to ICANZ. Their understanding of government issues…...